ICCJ offers a full array of options over the 25 hours of Shabbat, from Friday night mincha/candle lighting until Havdallah. Starting times vary with the calendar, and can be found on our home page.
On Shabbat mornings, our rabbi leads an engaging Torah Study from 9:00 to 9:30 am, on the weekly Torah portion or other timely topic. Morning services are traditional; a full Psukei DZimra is followed by Shacharit, Torah Service (full Kriyah and Haftorah), Rabbi sermon, and Musaf. After services, we enjoy a wonderful Kiddush prepared by our Sisterhood. Shabbat afternoon, please join us for weekly mincha, Seudat Shlishit, and maariv, concluding with havdalah.
Children and their parents are always welcome in the main sanctuary, or to participate in Mini-Menschen.
Shabbat Morning Mini Menschen is a wonderful morning service celebrated with children up to age 6—along with their parents and/or grandparents.
The service, conducted by an experienced leader, provides a warm and sweet way of celebrating Shabbat through songs, prayers,stories, kiddush, challah and cookies. Often, there will be a Shabbat luncheon after the service, providing a way for the children and their families to join the rest of the congregation for a communal meal.