
The Sisterhood is an integral arm of Israel Center of Conservative Judaism, comprised of caring women of the congregation and the community.

Through our programs, which benefit both the synagogue and  the community at-large, bonds of camaraderie are formed, enabling our members to grow and flourish in a warm Jewish atmosphere of belonging and purpose.

As part of the Women’s League for Conservative Judaism, our involvement takes on global proportions, strengthening the voice of Jewish women worldwide.

Sisterhood provides outreach services for individuals, families, and the congregation in aggregate, as well as assistance to the community as is needed.

Sisterhood assists in maximizing the success of all projects and events by working in conjunction with various congregational committees and arms, such as Education, Chaverim and Men’s Club.

Joan Sauber & Shari Zuber,

Breast Cancer Presentation

On Sunday, October 27, 2024, Sisterhood presented Kayli Joseph, a 10-year breast cancer survivor, who related her journey through the ordeal and how helpful Sharsheret was, and continues to be.

Sharsheret, the Jewish Breast & Ovarian Cancer organization

ICCJ Sisterhood members Joan Sauber and Judy Cohen were awarded Women of Achievement Awards at Women’s League of Conservative Judaism, BQLI region’s yearly Gala, June 8, 2023. Click above to watch.